Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

Best Song Ever - Unspoken 'Miracle'

If you are ever doubting this song is such a boost...

Difficulties and Remembering

Yesterday was amazing...today is difficult. Isn't that just how life is? We so easily forget the good and get distracted by the hard.
Sunday was wonderful. I've been going through some tough things and was asked to speak in my church...I chose to speak about the difficult things which normally would have made me turn into waterworks. I was able to share my message without tears...I know it was because of the strength given to me from my Heavenly Father. In class yesterday, there was a marvelous quote that reflects what I have been feeling.
'Our responsibility is to rise from mediocrity to competence, from failure to achievement. Our task is to become our best selves. One of God's greatest gifts to us is the JOY OF TRYING AGAIN, for no failure ever need be final.' - Thomas S. Monson
Today there is an anxious feeling within and rain without. I keep telling myself that fear and faith cannot be together. Trying to have faith and acknowledge that whatever way this challenge plays out...I will be ok because I will still have my faith.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Morning Yoga with Adriene

I have a new Sunday morning ritual - the Youtube channel Yoga with Adriene. https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene
Two things you should know I am far from flexible and I have never really gotten the yoga craze...until I did one of her practices. I feel so refreshed and renewed....like I have a ball of glowing energy within. I know that sounds cheezy or strange but all that focused breathing really does make your body feel alive.
Another thing I like about her videos - is all the positive self talk and positive view of the World. The practice I did this morning ended with us telling ourselves...I choose __________.  Mine was to focus on the joy in my life.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

A change with an eternal view

I've been trying to focus more on things eternally and not get so caught up in the mundane. Like not stressing out if we do not get everything done on the schedule but focusing more on the joy of what we are doing.
About a month ago, I rented a trailer for us to tear out our basement. But life and the pinewood derby and work happened...so when the trailer arrived on Thursday we were not ready. Usually I would become angry and maybe a bit irrational if my husband didn't have the time to help and worry about the waste of money of the trailer. But I was so amazed yesterday, I felt calm and ok with what I was able to accomplish and accepting of what didn't get done. I think the biggest change in me is being able to accept that not everything goes as planned - and that is OK. Do I do this all the time...ha ha...I wish but as I am changing I hope that I will be able to - always enjoy the moment and accept.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Still Trying

I am still feeling the need to be more than I have been. I have been exercising daily both physically and spiritually. I have had the Spirit with me and received answers to prayers. I have also shed a few pounds and inches.
My trial is still stretching me. I thought with the changes I have been making that everything would be easier. But no, with the changes I have been making I am stronger. When things are tough instead of turning to chocolate I turn to something better like hard work or my beautiful children or a hug from my husband. Being the best version of yourself isn't easy - it is accepting the mistakes that you have made and will make. Knowing that those mistakes are part of the plan, that repentance IS PART OF THE PLAN it isn't there just in case. That we have a Savior who gave His life for us so that we could make mistakes. I love this talk by Elder Lynn Robbins - so motivating to keep me going.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Turning off the TV and Living

I don't know about you but there are days and nights that I have spent WAY too much in the Netflix/Amazon zone. Where you find a good show and watch 8 episodes in one sitting and neglect really living. For the last two weeks, I think I have watched one episode of something. The interest just isn't there anymore. I feel pressed for time - to let my children know how important it is to enjoy the beauty around us. That there is so much more to life than what we find on screens (I realize the irony that I am typing on a screen). I have done lots of things over the years with my children...but now I feel like we need to really experience things together because they are only small for very short time.
A bike ride together

Doing service at Grandma's

Jordan Peterson is AMAZING

This youtube video is so good!! This is how I feel right now. I am all in, are you? https://youtu.be/h0aA2dQqt08